
Jag blir svald av en boaorm

Den här smått morbida sången av Peter, Paul & Mommy anno 1969 brukade min mamma sjunga för mig när jag var liten. Hon var särskilt skicklig på att få till gulp-ljudet i slutet och eftersom vi barn inte förstod engelska så översatte hon texten efteråt.

Shel Silverstein -Tro-Hollis Music, Inc. BMI

I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor
I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor
I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor
And I don't like it very much!
Oh no, oh no, he swallowed my toe,
he swallowed my toe
Oh gee, oh gee, he's up to my knee,
he's up to my knee
Oh fiddle, oh fiddle, he's reached my middle,
he's reached my middle
Oh heck, oh heck, he's up to my neck,
he's up to my neck
Oh dread, oh dread, he swallowed my.... schlirppp!

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